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Welcome to the October newsletter from Gemini Physical Therapy Spine & Sports Rehabilitation.


Bone Health and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common bone condition that affects millions of people around the world. Regular exercise can help to manage osteoporosis by helping to prevent bone loss, and reduce falls and fractures. Read this month’s feature article to learn about the types of exercise you should be performing for optimal bone health.

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Have you tried playing Squash?

Squash is a physically demanding sport that can result in a variety of injuries. Physical Therapy can not only help to treat injuries that you sustain but can help teach you proper stretching techniques and assist with selection of proper equipment, which will help to avoid injury.

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Physical Therapy can help conquer your fear of limitations or injury.


Understanding Shin Splints

Athletes that run and jump often suffer from shin splints, usually when they change their training regimen. While relative rest is essential to help you heal, Physical Therapists can help to reduce inflammation, identify training errors that may have caused the problem, and can make recommendations on when it’s safe to return to activity.

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 Do you ever find yourself wondering about dinner options that are both tasty and healthy? Here are two recipes that are satisfying and nutritious.


Broiled Tilapia Parmesan


This recipe combines tilapia fillets, Parmesan cheese, lemon juice, butter, light mayonnaise, basil and seasoning to create a healthy and quick meal option that can be ready in just 15 minutes! It is a good source of protein and is packed with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants.

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Quinoa and Black Beans


This recipe includes a combination of quinoa, black beans, onion, garlic, corn kernels, cilantro and seasoning to create a delicious alternative to black beans and rice. It is a low calorie option that is full of vitamins and nutrients that can be ready in less than an hour.

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679 South Main Street
Haverhill, MA 01835
Phone (978) 372-3211

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